Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chapter 9 Project Discussion

The Chapter 9 Project is due on Thursday, February 07, 2008. Post here if you have any questions for myself or your classmates.

Some reminders:
  1. We will only have 2 days of class to work on this project with some time at the ends of periods
  2. Computer time will only be provided on these days so if you are doing a movie or power point you will need to do the majority of work at home.
  3. The test for Chapter 9 will also be on Feb. 07 so do not procrastinate!!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Crowell, if I made a video ABOUT the candiates, will you show it to your classes? If I made a video it would not replace my Bill of Rights video.

Anonymous said...

If it is appropriate then yes. Of course I will screen it first. Just make sure that it does not get in the way of the Bill of Rights project.

-Mr. Crowell