Friday, January 2, 2009

Conflict in the Gaza Strip

Within the last week violence has erupted in the Gaza Strip. The cause of the violence is linked to a long conflict exsisting between Israel and the terrorist group/political party Hamas. Hamas has for many years supported the use of launching mortar shells and suicide bombings in Israeli cities as a way to retaliate against what they feel is unjust treatment of the Palestinian peoples by Israel. Within the last decade Hamas has also become a leading political party in Palestinian (click here for an explanation of what Palestine is)controlled areas of Israel.

Israel has launched military strikes into Palestinian areas for many years to combat terrorism. In the most recent military strikes Israeli planes and tanks bombed the Gaza Strip, which is a Palestinian controlled area) killing some terror leaders and many civilians.

The United States is considering getting involved to bring about peace. Is this a good idea?


Unknown said...

I think the US has the power to bring peace in Israel. We should try to have peace everywhere and so in order to have peace, the US should get invlovled if they can help the situation.

Anonymous said...

I think that hamas should get rid of the terroists and keep the political hamas for there colony. If they don't this could maybe result to another war.

Anonymous said...

It could be,but if they do get involved, it may cause insecurity to the United States. So many soldiers have lost lives already, so if they decide to get involved, the must be willing to risk a few more.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if our getting involved in this is such a good idea. The muslims have been fighting with the people who live in Isreal for a very long time, and stepping in now probably wouldn't do anything to resolve a fight that goes back such a long way.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Isreal sould just leave everyone alone they have other problems than waging war on a small country like Hamas because I have never heard of that country before. Lolololololololololol

Anonymous said...

after many years of small fights something like this always happens this is probably a small war just like what happend with georgia this will probably blow over, on the other hand this might become one big war and some one will get wiped out, knowing the US and the UN they will more likly help out israel

Anonymous said...

after many years of small fights something like this always happens this is probably a small war just like what happend with georgia this will probably blow over, on the other hand this might become one big war and some one will get wiped out, knowing the US and the UN they will more likly help out israel