Monday, March 2, 2009

" Boston Tea Party"

"Chaos in Boston"

A bold statement against the Tea Act was made last night, December 16, 1773. The Sons of Liberty, led by Samuel Adams had sent a message to the governor, Thomas Hutchinson. The message demanded the ships leave the harbor. When the governor refused, the Boston Tea Party began. About fifty people dressed as Indians boarded the three tea ships in Boston Harbor. In approximately three hours, ALL the tea on the ships were tossed overboard into the harbor.

By Danielle

"Turning Point"

This was an important even in history. I believe that the people should never rise without doing something to be remembered. The Tea Party was not a mistake, the Tea Act should have never been passed and there ARE various reasons for our actions. Our actions were terribly courageous and daring. This is a memorable turning point in history.
-John Adams

By Danielle

How Will Britain React to the Tea Party?

We are anticipating a harsh reaction from Britain. Parliament and King George III will more than likely feel that the people of Boston should, and will, be punished. Laws may be passed until colonist pay for the tea and show that they are sorry for what they had done. Be aware that the port of Boston will be shut down, and ships, big or small, can come through. Also, no meetings will be held more than once a year, unless given permission by the governor to do so. A warning to all citizens: you may have to house Red Coats under your will. These acts will change life for the colonists. Will these acts make colonists want to break away from Britain even more? Could there be another protest in our future? These are very good possibilities for the future of the colonists.

By Ariana

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